Elon Musk and other industry CEOs in the wake of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's arrest in France. Retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who is well-known for his involvement in the former president Donald Trump impeachment proceedings, has expressed concern for Musk. Following a preliminary police investigation, Durov was taken into custody in Paris on suspicion of not being able to regulate illegal actions on the Telegram network. The arrest has generated a lot of discussion over its implications for free speech, according to reports from French media outlets including TF1 TV and BFM TV.
As per the reports of Yahoo news, Vindman, who has been vocal on various issues, took to X (formerly Twitter) to highlight what he sees as a growing demand for accountability among social media platforms. He pointed out that although Durov's arrest is specific to French law, the broader message could signal a shift in how governments might handle platforms like X, which Musk owns. Vindman emphasized that there is a rising intolerance for disinformation and harmful influence spread through social media. This sentiment has led him to believe that Musk could find himself in a similar situation if such trends continue.
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In response to Durov's arrest, Musk expressed his alarm over what he called «dangerous times» on social media by posting the hashtag #FreePavel. A broader discussion on the
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