Allahabad High Court has rejected the anticipatory bail plea of a school teacher who asked class 2 students to slap their Muslim friend, a lawyer said on Thursday about the incident that sparked widespread outrage last year. A bench comprising Justice Deepak Verma refused to grant the relief and directed the applicant to surrender before the court concerned within two weeks from the date of the order and apply for regular bail, the plaintiff's lawyer said.
«The lower court had already rejected the anticipatory bail plea on October 16. Now, the high court has upheld that decision, rejecting the teacher's plea on November 23,» Kamran Zaidi, the lawyer representing the victim, said.
According to the prosecution, police filed a charge sheet against Tripti Tyagi under several sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including Section 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), Section 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace), and Section 295A (deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings).
Additionally, charges under Section 75 of the Juvenile Justice Act have been invoked, the lawyer said.
The case drew widespread attention and condemnation after a video surfaced in August 2023, showing Tyagi instructing her students of Class 2 to slap a Muslim classmate while making a communal remark in Khubbapur village.
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