Checkin' It Twice." The story revolves around Ashley, a real estate executive, and Scott, a minor league hockey player. Their paths cross when they accidentally swap credit cards in an airport gift shop. Ashley discovers Scott is staying in her family's guest house, sparking unexpected romance.
Fresh from a breakup and seeking a break from her NYC job, Ashley visits Trout Falls, embracing holiday traditions and festivities. The unexpected connection with Scott adds a twist to her plans.
Scott's focus, however, is his hockey career, and Trout Falls is just a stepping stone. When he's offered a place in a D2 team, their budding romance faces a crossroads. Should he pursue his dream or prioritize Ashley? For Ashley, a high-profile real estate deal awaits in the city.
In «Checkin' It Twice,» they must decide if success means letting go of their newfound love or finding a way forward together. The film premiered on October 20 on Hallmark Channel at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT.
If you have missed it, catch the movie on these dates:
What is the premiere date and time for «Checkin’ It Twice» on Hallmark Channel?
«Checkin’ It