“My cousin told me some Rs 2,000 crore had been stolen from the company,” said the 32-year-old man. “I immediately rushed to withdraw my Rs 7 lakh investment on WazirX but it was too late--no transactions were allowed.”
The prospect of never being able to get his money back has caused sleeplessness, anxiety, emotional distress and setbacks in business. At home, he pretends nothing has happened. “My wife thinks I do some stock market trade,” he said. “She doesn’t understand crypto stuff--she thinks we are rich.”
He dwells on what might have been.
Did you Know?
The world of cryptocurrencies is very dynamic. Prices can go up or down in a matter of seconds. Thus, having reliable answers to such questions is crucial for investors.
View Details»“Every day, I take a pen and paper (to calculate) and tell my co-worker that today the value of my crypto would have been Rs 25 lakh,” he said. “(Auto) agency guys would have given us so much business on such credit.”
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