Gautam Gambhir on Thursday said he has had some «honest» conversations with his players as only performance can help them stay in the set-up. Amid reports of unrest in the dressing room, Gambhir sought to douse the fire by declaring that they were «just reports, not truth».
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«Debates between coach and player should remain in dressing room. Stern words. They were just reports not truth,» Gambhir said in the pre-match press meet ahead of India's fifth and final Test against Australia, beginning here on Friday.
«Indian cricket will be in safe hands till honest people stay in the dressing room. Only thing that keeps you in the dressing room is performance,» he added.
«There were honest words and honesty is important,» he asserted.
Gambhir also said he did not have any discussion with senior batter Virat Kohli and skipper Rohit Sharma except for strategies on how to win the Test matches.
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