Congress leader Ajay Maken said on Saturday that his party should have no alliance with the AAP in Delhi, but left the option open, saying this is his personal view. Asked whether the Congress will lend support to the Arvind Kejriwal-led party, if need be, after the upcoming Delhi Assembly polls, Maken said, «It is my personal view that there should be no alliance with AAP.»
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«I also feel that there should not have been any support (from the Congress) to the AAP in 2013 and neither any alliance for the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. But this is my personal view,» the All India Congress Committee (AICC) treasurer said, without speaking any further.
Addressing the first press conference at the new Congress headquarters at Kotla Road, Maken, who hails from Delhi and has done his politics here, said he stands by his earlier remark that Kejriwal is «anti-national» and the AAP's strengthening in the capital will only help the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Asked about his «anti-national» remark against Kejriwal, Maken said, «I had given my personal view and I still stand by it.»
He said the people of Delhi suffered due to the Congress's support to the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in 2013 and its alignment with the Kejriwal-led outfit in 2024.
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