«There is work that is being done on the charging infrastructure. Charging infrastructure needs a lot more work to do and we are also doing some work in that area,» says Ravi Pandit, Chairman, KPIT Technologies.
Can you outline for the benefit of our viewers that how has KPIT benefited because of EVs? How much of your total business is coming from EVs? And do you think EV is not just a fad, it is a real deal?
We believe that EV is not a fad. EV is actually a complete structural change in the auto industry. Now, there are two-three things which are driving growth for a company like us. One is that EV by itself is a change in the powertrain. So, how do you have a new powertrain, whether it is a battery electric or a fuel cell electric and technologies relating to that, so that is one thing which is really purely related to EV as such.
But I think EVs are also starting a complete revolution in the way in which a vehicle is defined, which is now globally called as software-defined vehicle. So, how can you have a vehicle which can be updated online? How can you have a vehicle where you can have a different business model, where you do not sell an equipment but you sell by the hour or by the feature, etc.
So, I think EV is making a big change. EV, of course, contributes to a