Manipur Chief Minister Biren N Singh's convoy from proceeding towards Raj Bhavan. However, after women leaders came out of his residence and told the crowd that the CM has assured them that he is not resigning, the mob slowly dispersed from his residence. Unconfirmed reports said that the CM had typed out a resignation letter but was persuaded by his supporters to tear it up. Earlier in the afternoon, hundreds of youth wearing black shirts and women sat down in front of the CM's residence demanding that Biren Singh should not resign. Sources said there were strong rumours in Imphal since morning that the chief minister was contemplating resigning from the post after renewed violence in the state on Thursday that claimed three more lives and left 5 injured. Kshetrimayum Shanti, a women leader said, «At this critical juncture, the Biren Singh government should stand firm and crack down on troublemakers.»
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« Back to recommendation storiesI don't want to see these stories becauseSUBMITThe toll in exchange of fire between security forces and suspected rioters in Kangpokpi district a day before, rose to three on Friday, with one more person succumbing to injuries in hospital, officials said. Armed rioters had opened unprovoked firing at Haraothel village on Thursday. The Army said security forces personnel «responded in a calibrated manner» to tackle the situation, they said. Members of the community to which two of the rioters belonged collected their bodies on Thursday and took out a procession to the CM's residence here, they said. The demonstrators, led by women, even dared