House of Ninjas, also known as Shinobi no Ie: House of Ninjas, is a gripping Japanese original series blending family drama with spy thriller elements. Directed by Dave Boyle, the series follows the Tawara family, the last remnants of a ninja clan forced to confront their past amidst a national crisis.
House of Ninjas has been a hit on Netflix, but a renewal for season 2 is still pending. The first season garnered 8.7 million views in its first two weeks, hinting at a strong possibility for a renewal. If renewed, the second season could be released as early as late 2025 or early 2026.
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Kento Kaku stars as Haru Tawara, with Yosuke Eguchi and Tae Kimura playing his parents, Soichi and Yoko Tawara. Tenta Banka and Aju Makita portray Haru's siblings, Riku and Nagi Tawara, while Kengo Kora plays the role of Gaku Tawara. Riho Yoshioka appears as Karen Ito, Haru's love interest.
The first season of House of Ninjas began filming in September 2023 and ended in January 2024, with a fast post-production process. If renewed, production for the second season could start within 12 months of renewal,