Begin Again" is a 2013 romantic comedy-drama that delves into the journey of two individuals navigating the challenging world of music. The story unfolds in the vibrant backdrop of New York City and explores the blossoming collaboration between an aspiring singer, Greta, and a struggling former record executive, Dan. As they team up to chase success, the narrative reveals the myriad challenges they encounter, pushing them to discover the true essence of music and connection.
Set in New York, the film introduces us to Greta, a talented songwriter and singer grappling with a recent breakup, and Dan, a former music producer at odds with the evolving landscape of the music industry. Their worlds collide one serendipitous night, setting them on a shared path of music, redemption, and discovery. The cast features the versatile Keira Knightley as Greta and the charismatic Mark Ruffalo as Dan. Additionally, the film is enriched with performances from Catherine Keener, Adam Levine, CeeLo Green, and Hailee Steinfeld.
For those eager to immerse themselves in the film, «Begin Again» is available on both Amazon Prime Video and Netflix.
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