Such traders could be better off taking advisory services from Sebi-registered analysts with proven history. The curated discovery platform GapUp could be the best place to log in. Rigi's GapUp hosts dozens of market gurus at its unique platform for inexperienced traders to avail services from.
It helps individual market analysts monetise their content, who in turn upskill part-time traders and help them make money.
One such expert is Kavita Agrawal, who has over a decade of experience and 16,000 following. Agrawal, the youngest person to clear all levels of Chartered Market technician (CMT), US, offers expert insights and recommendations to traders, enabling them to make informed decisions that can lead to handsome returns on investments.
While stock investing is subject to market risk, Agrawal boasts of swing trading strategies with potential returns ranging from 5 per cent to 40 per cent, thanks to her analytical skills that allows her to identify reversals in stocks in advance, before a rally sets in. Agarwal usually picks stocks with a holding period of two weeks to three months. As it should be, her investment approach is flexible and tailored to clients preferences.
She carefully curated options to match the trader's desired holding period. Agrawal's advisory services come with a favourable risk-to-reward ratio. Agrawal claims that her investment positions come with a minimum risk-to-reward ratio of 3, ensuring that traders have a protective buffer on investments.