PancakeSwap and Uniswap have been locked in a battle of the DEXes for some time but the latter has been winning. There have been instances where PancakeSwap almost took the lead and recent observations suggest that it might flip Uniswap soon.
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PancakeSwap’s latest attempt at surpassing Uniswap in total value locked (TVL) was almost victorious. The win was snatched away by the SEC’s recent BUSD ban.
Despite this minor setback, the DEX has been implementing strategic growth measures that may soon allow it to surpass Uniswap. For example, Pancakeswap is now available on multiple blockchain networks including Aptos and Ethereum.
<p lang=«en» dir=«ltr» xml:lang=«en»>1/ PancakeSwap almost overtook Uniswap in TVL.Then disaster struck when the SEC banned BUSD, negatively affecting growth for BNB Chain.
Now PancakeSwap has announced major upgrades that could change the game: