Pavel Durov’s arrest last week has sent shockwaves and panic across the crypto community. Toncoin has slumped by over 15% since the Telegram founder’s arrest. We’ve also seen broader liquidation across the crypto market and an understandable concern over Telegram’s future across the communities. Yet, these were not the most shocking revelations from Durov’s recent arrest. Just a day before his confinement, he revealed that he had fathered over 100 children in the past 15 years throughout 12 countries. He helped several couples from around the world with fertility issues through sperm donation, leading to the birth of over 100 children across 12 countries.
Understandably, as Pavel Durov’s future and freedom remain clouded, so does the future of his 100+ children. Without the support of their charismatic entrepreneur father, the financial future of these children is in peril.
However, one particular organisation has stepped up to address these concerns. Finance platform Brighty App is celebrating Telegram’s birthday by opening savings accounts for all 100+ children of Pavel Durov, offering them €1,000 each and a future financial cushion.
Brighty App has announced a campaign to celebrate Telegram’s 11th birthday by providing investment savings accounts for all of Pavel Durov’s children. Each account will be funded with an initial €1,000 deposit and managed by Brighty’s AI-powered investment platform. The funds will be invested to grow the portfolio at an average rate of 25% per annum, potentially reserving over €54,000 by the time each child reaches adulthood.
With Durov’s arrest highlighting the turmoil even the most influential figures can face, Brighty’s initiative serves as a reminder that financial planning is crucial, no