Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that was not written by Cryptonews.com.
Today - Pay It Now (PIN) Token has officially acquired its Christchurch-based HQ. The contemporary office space is highlighted by three glass panel-wall offices and a tech-ready multi-purpose room, designed for presentations and group meetings. The feeling and layout is modern and inviting for potential clients or guests of the cryptocurrency payment processor.
The new physical office location helps PIN further establish its legitimacy, in addition to the obvious fundamental benefits - a place to conduct daily business and host face-to-face meetings with current and potential PIN commercial clients. The transparency and authenticity of this progressive move clearly articulates Pay It Now’s B2B mindset to prospective partners and business clients.
There are numerous benefits to a physical location, including the statement of intent of the property acquisition itself. The Pay It Now sales team will have a modernized location to bring commercial client prospects, where they will be able to go through sales presentations and articulate the value of the PIN Solutions and other network services.
Customer satisfaction can be conducted in a more streamlined manner from a physical base of operations. Having the place to organize and work through important macro-business processes like sales, marketing, blockchain development, acquisitions, and customer retention, can give a significant boost to Pay It Now’s effectiveness.
The blockchain payment gateway core team will be able to better communicate amongst themselves and move in alignment while meeting important business demands. PIN Founders Craig and Jit, will work closeby to the development team,
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