daylight saving time for 2024.Daylight saving time will begin this year on Sunday, March 10 at 2 a.m. local time. While we might lose an hour of sleep by “springing forward,” it also marks the day when we’ll begin to notice those longer daylight hours.Canadians in most time zones should set their manual devices ahead an hour on Saturday, Mar.
9 before they head to bed. Smartphones, smartwatches and other digital and wi-fi enabled devices, however, will likely automatically adjust while you’re sleeping. (It doesn’t hurt to check them when you wake up on Mar.
10, just to be sure!)Daylight saving time is the eight-month-long period between March and November when the majority of the country adjusts their clocks.By “springing forward” in March, we allow for more daylight in the spring and summer months. By “falling back” in November, we allow more daylight in the mornings.Not all Canadians adhere to daylight saving time. Yukon, most of Saskatchewan, and some parts of Quebec, Ontario and B.C.
stay on standard time all year round.Daylight saving time first came into practice in Canada in 1908, after it was first proposed in 1895 by by New Zealand entomologist George Hudson. He proposed the change because it would allow him more daylight hours to find and inspect insects.The first documented cases of daylight saving adopted in the world happened right here in Canada. The small towns of Port Arthur and Fort William — which would eventually merge to become Thunder Bay, Ont.