anime series, "Rising Impact," adapted from Nakaba Suzuki's first serialized manga, is set to premiere in June 2024. Directed by Hitoshi Nanba and with Michihiro Tsuchiya handling the screenplay, the anime marks a 25-year wait since the manga's debut in 1998.
Lay-duce, the animation studio, is behind the production, ensuring loyalty to Suzuki's original artwork in character design by Kiyotaka Oshiyama. The anime's composer is Masaru Yokoyama.
The release date for the anime's first part is confirmed for June 2024, with the second part scheduled to hit Netflix in August 2024.
The plot centers on Gawain Nanaumi, a third-grader with a passion for baseball. After a chance meeting with professional golfer Kiria Nishino, he discovers that golf can propel the ball further. Gawain, armed with physical strength and keen observation skills from his rural upbringing, enrolls at Camelot Academy, aiming to become a top professional golfer. However, he faces challenges from other prodigies at the academy.
The cast includes Misaki Kuno as Gawain, Yumiri Hanamori as Lancelot Normal, and other notable voices such as You Taichi, Atsumi Tanezaki, Katsuyuki Konishi, Shunsuke Takeuchi, Yuto Uemura, Kaede Hondo, Yumi Uchiyama, and Eiji Takemoto.
Notably, Misaki Kuno, known for her role in «Seven Deadly Sins,» voices Gawain, while Yumiri Hanamori, recognized from «Love Is War,» portrays Lancelot Normal.
When will 'Rising Impact' be available on Netflix?
The exact release date is undisclosed, but the first part is set to premiere on Netflix in June 2024, followed by the second part in August 2024.