sell call on Divi's Laboratories with a target price of Rs 4,500. The current market price of Divi's Laboratories is Rs 6081. Divi's Lab, incorporated in 1990, is a Large Cap company with a market cap of Rs 161670.37 crore, operating in the Pharmaceuticals sector.
Divi's Laboratories' key products/revenue segments include Pharmaceuticals, Scrap, Sale of services and Export Incentives for the year ending 31-Mar-2024.
Financials For the quarter ended 31-12-2024, the company has reported a Consolidated Total Income of Rs 2401 crore, down -1.76% from last quarter Total Income of Rs 2,444 crore and up 23.13 % from last year same quarter Total Income of Rs 1950 crore. The company has reported net profit after tax of Rs 589.00 crore in the latest quarter.
The company's top management includes Dr.Ramesh B V Nimmagadda, Dr.Murali K Divi, Dr.Kiran S Divi, Ms.Nilima Prasad Divi, Dr.S Devendra Rao, Mr.N V Ramana, Mr.K V Chowdary, Dr.S Ganapaty, Prof.Sunaina Singh, Dr.Rajendra Kumar Premchand, Dr.Ramesh B V Nimmagadda, Mr.K V K Seshavataram, Dr.Murali K Divi, Dr.Kiran S Divi, Ms.Nilima Prasad Divi, Dr.S Devendra Rao, Mr.N V Ramana, Mr.K V Chowdary, Dr.S Ganapaty, Prof.Sunaina Singh, Dr.Rajendra Kumar Premchand, Mr.K V K Seshavataram. Company has Price Waterhouse Chartered Accountants LLP as its auditors. As on 31-12-2024, the company has a total of 27 crore shares outstanding.
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