SS Rajamouli and superstar Mahesh Babu, is generating significant buzz ahead of its launch. Reports suggest that the African action-adventure film will be officially launched today, January 2, in Hyderabad through a low-key event. Fans who have been eagerly awaiting updates about the film are thrilled that production is finally set to kick off, marking the beginning of an exciting cinematic journey.
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While details about the film’s launch are circulating, no official confirmation has been provided by the makers. Reportedly, the team plans to keep the event discreet, with only a photo release likely to mark the occasion. The project, produced by KL Narayana, is still in the pre-production phase, with regular shooting expected to begin later.
Director SS Rajamouli has been actively scouting unique locations for the film, including the Borra Caves in Andhra Pradesh’s Araku and Amboseli National Park in Kenya. These unexplored locales are expected to add a fresh and immersive backdrop to the narrative. The director’s interest in the Borra Caves has sparked speculation about their role in the story—whether as the setting for an intense action sequence or as a mystical element shaping the plot.
According to reports in Telugu Cinema, Mahesh Babu returned to Hyderabad on December 30, cutting short his New Year 2025 vacation to