The critically acclaimed series follows Carmy as he faces the daunting task of running his family's sandwich shop in Chicago after his older brother's untimely demise. He is confronted with a dilapidated kitchen, mounting debts and a staff in disarray. The Bear's second season boasts 10 thrilling episodes, two more than its inaugural season, promising even more twists and turns for its viewers.
For fans eager to watch The Bear Season 2 in the United Kingdom, the wait is almost over. Starting Wednesday, July 19, the UK audience can catch the new episodes exclusively on Disney+, a month after their release in the US on June 22. To catch up on the first season or prepare for the upcoming one, interested viewers can subscribe to Disney+.
In the US, The Bear is accessible through FX and the popular streaming service Hulu. Season 2, comprising all 10 episodes, became available for streaming on June 22, 2023. The first season of The Bear concluded with Carmy uncovering a hidden stash of money within a stockpile of canned tomatoes, leading to the transformation of The Beef, a Chicago sandwich shop, into the eponymous The Bear.
Season 2 promises a fresh start for the team, featuring a rebranded restaurant with an upscale atmosphere reminiscent of fine dining. As deadlines loom and opening dates draw near, Carmy and Sydney are shown interviewing potential staff members in a recently released trailer. Moreover, Carmy encounters a woman from his past, hinting at intriguing storylines to come.