Allu Arjun, who was granted regular bail in a case over the death of a woman in a stampede here during the premiere of his latest film, 'Pushpa-2', on Saturday submitted sureties and bonds in a local court as per his bail conditions. The actor, who went to court, personally, completed all the formalities as directed by the court, his lawyer, Ashok Reddy, told PTI. He was accompanied by his father-in-law, Chandrasekhar Reddy.
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The II Additional Metropolitan Sessions Judge here on Friday granted regular bail to Allu Arjun.
The court directed the actor to furnish two sureties, who shall execute bond for Rs 50,000 each, besides his own with the same amount.
As part of the bail conditions, the 'Pushpa' star has to appear before the investigating officer every Sunday between 10 am and 1 pm for a period of two months or till filing of the charge sheet, whichever is earlier.
The actor shall not change his residential address without prior intimation to the court, till disposal of the case. He was directed not to leave the country without prior permission from the court.
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