West Bengal Special Task Force arrested two persons with alleged terror links from Nowda Police Station area in Murshidabad, amid the ongoing turmoil in Bangladesh. A police case has been started against them at Nowda Thana.
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The two people allegedly had links to Al-Qaeda affiliate Ansarullah Bangla Team (ATB) from the Murshidabad district.
“Two persons identified as Sajibul Islam (24) and Mustakim Mondal (26), both from Nowda Police Station in Murshidabad have been arrested by a team of the Special Task Force of West Bengal for their involvement in terrorist activities,” people in the know told ET. A police case has been started against them at Nowda Police station. Sajibul Islam is known to be the cousin of Shab Sheikh, another individual linked to ATB, sources said.
A probe has been started by the STF to uncover the extent of the duo’s involvement in terror activities, sources said. Police will produce the duo in a local court.
Sources in the know said the investigations are underway to uncover the extent of the militant network operating in Murshidabad and neighbouring districts like Nadia
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