Netflix is paying special attention to animated series recently, as seen with the launch of a plethora of animated content on the streaming giant. The latest in the list is the Pokémon series called Pokémon Concierge, which promises to be a fresh and captivating addition to the franchise. For the first time ever, viewers will experience a Pokémon narrative told through the art of stop-motion animation. Netflix and Pokémon have forged a highly successful partnership over the past few years, resulting in numerous new movies and multiple seasons of Pokémon Journeys available for streaming on Netflix. During the «Pokémon Presents» presentation on February 27, Minyoung Kim, Vice President of Content, APAC Ex-India at Netflix, made the exciting announcement about the new Pokémon series. Kim expressed enthusiasm about the partnership between Netflix and Pokémon, highlighting Netflix's dedication to producing entertaining local programming for global audiences. Together with The Pokémon Company, Netflix is collaborating on the production of «Pokemon: Concierge,» a brand-new Netflix series. So, what can we expect from the story of "Pokemon Concierge"? The series takes place at a Pokémon resort and revolves around the adventures of a concierge and the various Pokémon, who visit the resort as guests.
Pokemon Concierge: Release WindowNetflix is yet to come up with an exact release date, however, as per anticipations, we may see a release date at the upcoming Anime Expo 2023. For the time being, the release window remains December 2023.
FAQsQ1:When is Pokemon Concierge coming to Netflix? The release window for Pokemon Concierge is December 2023. However, the exact release date of the Pokemon series is yet to be declared.Q2:Will