Bombay High Court on Monday said the trial in the last year's Badlapur school sexual assault case should be fast-tracked and conducted expeditiously as the victim girls are very young. In August last year, a male attendant sexually assaulted the two girls — aged four and five — inside the toilet of their school located in Badlapur area of Maharashtra's Thane district.
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He was arrested and later killed in a shootout with police when he was being taken from jail for questioning.
The Special Investigation (SIT), set up by the Maharashtra government to conduct a probe into the case, has filed its chargesheet.
The chargesheet was filed against the attendant, the school's headmaster and two members of its management for «failing to report» the sexual assault, as required under provisions of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.
The high court took suo motu (on its own) cognisance of the incident after it came to light that the local Badlapur police had not taken prompt action to lodge an FIR in the case.
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