Boy Swallows Universe, the upcoming series on Netflix, based on Trent Dalton's best-selling novel, takes the audiences in Australia and New Zealand in the 1980s through Eli Bell's (played by Felix Cameron) life. Eli Bell is a young boy who is residing on the outskirts with an imperfect family that consists of a muted brother, a mother who is recovering from addiction, a lost father, a stepmother who deals with heroin, and a babysitter who is an infamous criminal.
Amid the turmoil that surrounds him, Eli listens to his inner voice and finally accepts himself to be a man. However, destiny had some other plans for her. Boys Swallows Universe is a new-age story, that very ingeniously travels across the complications of both the happiness and disappointments of life. With its portrayal which is refined, the series promises a story that is heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time, further diving through the complications of life.
Boy Swallows Universe is going to be released on January 11, 2024, on Netflix. It was created by John Collee and written by him and Trent Dalton and has eight episodes. Audiences can avail a Netflix subscription for $6.99 per month. In addition, the other plans of membership are the Premium (at $22.99 per month) and the Standard (at $15.49 per month).
The trailer of the Boy Swallows Universe was released on November 27, 2023, and offered a look into the courageous and troublesome world behind the shiny surface of Australia. The trailer of the film set in the outskirts of Brisbane in the 1980s engages the audiences in the unique journey of a young boy