Bridge and Roof Company (India) Limited, a central PSU, in connection with a bribery case after Rs 10 lakh was seized from a luxury car in which he was travelling in Bhubaneswar, officials said Sunday. Besides Chanchal Mukherjee, Group General Manager (GGM) of Bridge and Roof Company, two private persons — Santosh Moharana, Director of Penta A Studio Private Limited and middleman Debadutta Mohapatra — were also arrested for allegedly bribing Mukherjee, they said.
The central probe agency had conducted a trap operation after registering a case against four persons including the three arrested accused.
According to the CBI, the accused were allegedly indulging in corrupt and illegal activities in the matter of awarding work orders of the PSU and clearing bills in lieu of undue advantage in the form of bribe.
It was alleged that accused Moharana met the group general manager (Mukherjee) at his Bhubaneswar office on December 6 during which the GGM demanded Rs 10 lakh and promised to adjust the said amount in future billings, a CBI spokesperson said.
After doing preliminary verification, the CBI laid a trap on Saturday where Mukherjee was caught taking Rs 10 lakh bribe in a Mercedes Maybach car.
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