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Financial advice
Archived article Tax, investments and pension rules can change over time so the information below may not be current. This article was correct at the time of publishing, however, it may no longer reflect our views on this topic.
Financial advice can benefit a wide range of people at different points in their life. Whether that’s younger clients accumulating wealth or those in later life planning for things like long-term care or passing on their wealth tax efficiently.
Financial advice can benefit a wide range of people at different points in their life. Whether that’s younger clients accumulating wealth or those in later life planning for things like long-term care or passing on their wealth tax efficiently.
Sometimes the trigger for clients to get professional advice is simply to check in and stay on track to meet their financial goals. But for some clients, advice is needed at a time of change.
Mrs Vallis came to me following the death of her partner. It’s fair to say that most couples pool their resources one way or another and plan their finances together. And this is something we as advisers encourage.
But it also means that if a partner passes away, it can feel like the survivor is left with a heavy burden and often a degree of uncertainty.
Here’s how I helped Mrs Vallis make some important
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