The comprehensive survey, conducted between January and March 2023 across 34 countries with the participation of 1,028 corporate recruiters, reveals some interesting insights. One notable shift is that «online degrees have lost favor a bit since last year.» Despite economic distress and inflation, the survey highlights that MBA salaries in the US are projected to be higher in 2023 compared to the previous year.
Finance and tech employers express concerns about the readiness of management education graduates in terms of cross-cultural competence, presenting an opportunity to equip specialists interested in these sectors with intercultural learning opportunities, according to the report. Looking ahead, employers predict that over the next five years, technology's importance, understanding of human behavior, and media communication skills will experience significant growth.
Among the respondents, 62 per cent of employers from the Fortune 500 club emphasize the importance of interpersonal skills for GME graduates, with 59 per cent prioritizing communication skills, and 56 per cent stressing strategy and innovation. Additionally, data analysis and interpretation, learning, motivation and leadership, decision-making processes, and general business functions are also highly regarded skills for GME graduates, as indicated by more than half of employers worldwide.
Effective communication remains a top priority for recruiters, with 81 per cent of them citing cross-cultural competence as increasingly important in the next five years. Multilingualism follows closely at 77 per cent, while active listening ranks at 75 per cent.