Delhi consumer court fined Emami Ltd Rs 15 lakh for deceptive advertising of its Fair and Handsome cream. A man complained the product didn't deliver the promised skin-lightening effect despite using it as directed. He bought the cream in 2013 for Rs 79.
The Central Delhi District Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission ruled against Emami on December 9. The forum stated the complainant used the cream according to the instructions: “apply on face and neck twice daily after cleansing for faster glowing fairness.” However, he saw no improvement.
Emami argued the complainant didn't prove he used the cream correctly. The forum said there was no evidence to show whether his skin tone changed. The company also claimed factors like diet, exercise, and hygiene affect results. The forum pointed out these conditions weren't on the product packaging. The forum said, “Such robust conditions are not mentioned on the packaging and labelling of the product.” Emami also stated the product was meant for men aged 16-35 who aren't sick, without defining “sick” or including this information on the packaging.
The forum concluded Emami engaged in unfair trade practices by using misleading advertising and packaging. They didn't require a corrective advertisement due to the complaint's age. Emami must stop the misleading practices, withdraw the product packaging and ads, and pay Rs 14.5 lakh to the Delhi State Consumer Welfare Fund. The complainant will receive Rs 50,000 in damages and Rs 10,000 for legal costs. The forum explained