Should you use your credit card or debit card more frequently to make a payment? On the surface, this seems a frivolous question. However, the decision you take has some financial repercussions which you must understand.
Both credit and debit cards give us freedom to make transactions as per our needs but both have their specific benefits that you must be aware of to take a wise decision when you next time pay your bill or go out shopping with your family.
At times you can’t decide which card to use to make a payment as mostly people carry both debit and credit cards in their wallets. When it comes to deciding which card to use more frequently, it is crucial to consider their specific needs.
In India, debit cards have gained immense popularity due to their simplicity and convenience. With a debit card, you can make purchases or withdraw cash directly from your bank account. This makes it an ideal choice for those who prefer to keep their expenses in check and avoid accumulating debt. Moreover, debit cards are widely accepted across the country, allowing you to transact at most merchants, online retailers, and ATMs.
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The government’s push towards a digital economy with initiatives like Digital India and the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) has further propelled the use of debit cards. These cards seamlessly integrate with UPI platforms, enabling instant and secure transactions through mobile banking apps. The widespread availability of UPI-enabled payment solutions has made debit cards an essential tool for the majority of Indians, promoting financial inclusion and reducing reliance on cash transactions.
Like debit cards, credit cards also