Ethereum (ETH) has arisen as the baseline for decentralized applications (DApps), smart contracts and an improved foundation for investment, finance and Internet of Things (IoT) services, among other centralized offerings.
However, technology is growing exponentially, making the need for computing resources more prominent than ever before. Yet, it’s hard to access these resources as any other commodities. Application developers or datasets providers, for instance, can be reluctant to lose ownership of their assets or reveal them. To overcome that limitation, they need to rely on a network that addresses the challenges of ownership and trust.
Attempting to define the next step for computing assets is iExec, a protocol that builds a decentralized and privacy-preserving computing infrastructure, providing an opportunity to keep control of their personal information, deciding who can access it, when and under what conditions. With the iExec Marketplace, resource providers can monetize the use of their assets and get paid every time somebody uses them while keeping ownership and privacy of those assets.
With iExec, users are able to share decentralized computing power, datasets, servers and DApps using Blockchain in combination with Confidential Computing, in a secure way. As a decentralized marketplace, a smart contract can act as an escrow to facilitate the transaction of computing assets. The result is that anyone can participate and receive rewards through the company’s RLC tokens.
Other benefits include data providers being allowed to expand their potential market size through integration with the iExec marketplace and server providers to monetize underused resources for an added return.
To support its growing community, the