Delhi chief electoral officer (CEO) on Monday said cash and other items like liquor, worth more than Rs 21 crore, was seized by various agencies within a week of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) coming into effect.
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The data provided by the Delhi CEO's office revealed that the highest value of seized items was in East Delhi, amounting to Rs 6.83 crore. South Delhi followed closely with Rs 6.81 crore, while the New Delhi area recorded the lowest seizures worth Rs 3.9 lakh.
In all, items worth Rs 21.89 crore have been confiscated across the capital. This includes Rs 9.8 crore in cash, precious metals worth Rs 6.1 crore, drugs worth Rs 5.05 crore, freebies worth more than Rs 47 lakh and liquor worth over Rs 45 lakh.
The MCC was implemented on January 7, immediately after the announcement of the election schedule. Voting for Delhi's 70 Assembly constituencies is scheduled to take place on February 5, and the results will be out on February 8.
The MCC is a set of guidelines issued by the Election Commission (EC) to ensure free and fair polls. It regulates the conduct of the political parties and candidates, covering areas such as meetings, processions, election manifestoes, polling and general behaviour during the electoral process.