Yuzvendra Chahal, has been the subject of widespread speculation amid rumors of trouble in his marriage to Dhanashree Verma. The cricketer tied the knot with Dhanashree, a Mumbai-based dentist and choreographer, in an intimate ceremony in Gurugram in December 2020. The couple's love story began earlier that year when Chahal enrolled in Dhanashree’s YouTube dance classes. Their shared passion for dance and time spent together led to a quick engagement, culminating in a joyous wedding attended by close family and friends.
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Despite their seemingly idyllic beginning, recent rumors suggest that the couple is headed for a divorce. Speculation gained traction after fans noticed changes in their social media activity. Notably, Dhanashree removed the surname «Chahal» from her Instagram handle in 2022, sparking concerns about the state of their relationship. Around the same time, Yuzvendra shared a cryptic Instagram story featuring the quote, “New Life Loading,” which further fueled speculation. Fans were left wondering if these were signs of discord between the pair.
Adding to the buzz, followers observed that Yuzvendra had deleted all photos of Dhanashree from his Instagram account. Conversely, while Dhanashree still has some pictures of Yuzvendra on her profile, reports suggest that the couple has unfollowed each other on the platform. These developments have intensified rumors, though neither Yuzvendra nor Dhanashree has publicly addressed the claims.