Saurabh Gupta, Group CFO, Dixon Technologies, says “there’s a $10 billion opportunity in IT hardware for India. $10 billion worth of IT hardware products are imported into India. So, it is a large opportunity for import substitution and if India is able to do a good job as an industry, if you are able to generate that operating leverage and cost competitiveness, in a few years, yes, it can potentially get exported from India as well.”
Gupta also is confident that achieving a growth rate of 35-40% annually should not be a challenge over next few years.
On EMS, India’s position & Dixon’s share
Saurabh Gupta: If you look at the whole electronic manufacturing space, India's share in the global electronic space is just 2%. But if you look at the whole government policy framework, as far as the labour pool availability and labour cost in India is concerned, we are looking at a very significant growth potential in this particular sector. The reason is increasingly, brands want to outsource more and more manufacturing and not only manufacturing, they want to deepen the level of manufacturing and in our sense, it will be more design-led manufacturing for us and also, the government policy framework has been very supportive.
So, the government started encouraging domestic