New York Military Academy has resurfaced on social media. The claim, originating from an alleged newspaper clipping, suggests that such a score would point to mental impairment. However, this viral information is based on a debunked piece of false reporting, which was first fact-checked by Snopes in 2019. Despite no public disclosure of Trump's actual IQ score, the former president has often ridiculed his political opponents, calling them «low-IQ» individuals.
The viral claim that Trump has an IQ of 73 comes from an old, debunked newspaper clipping that features a quote from William Askew Jr., who purportedly found the document while cleaning his late father’s apartment. Askew explained that his father had worked as the school counsellor at New York Military Academy (NYMA) from 1955 to 1985. According to Askew, the clipping was related to an IQ test Trump allegedly took during his time at the academy. Askew stated, “Dad was the school counselor at NYMA from 1955 to 1985. He didn’t administer these tests, but he was in charge of collecting them and sending them to the grading office.”
The newspaper clipping implied that the IQ score was in the process of being authenticated in 2019, but Snopes quickly debunked the claim. They confirmed that the article, featuring Askew’s quote, did not appear in any legitimate newspaper or verified publication. Snopes labelled the entire story as fiction, debunking it as baseless misinformation.
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By — Nigel