personal loan approval is your credit score. Lenders factor in credit score to assess your credibility and examine the risk linked with lending to you. A score of 750 and above usually enhances your chances of availing a personal loan approval at a lower interest rate and suitable terms and conditions.
However, a lower score either results in outright loan rejection or approval at a higher interest rate. It is, therefore, essential to assess your credit report before applying for a personal loan. In case you find any inaccuracies or discrepancies in the report, notify the concerned credit bureau for instant resolution and score increment. Doing so may increase your digital loan approval chances at your terms and conditions. When applying for a personal loan digitally, it is essential to evaluate the reputation and credibility of the lender in the market.
Choose lenders that have a proven track record of ethical and reliable lending practices. Check if the lender is registered with the regulatory bodies and their ratings and reviews by existing customers. Selecting a reputable lender lowers the risk of falling prey to unscrupulous practices and fraudulent schemes. Before you submit a personal loan application digitally, make sure you meet the preferred lender’s loan eligibility parameters.
Lenders like Kotak Mahindra Bank generally evaluate your employment nature i.e., whether you are employed with a private limited company, public limited or MNC. There may also be an age requirement set, which would be anywhere between 21 and 60 years. Lenders may even look for a minimum monthly income of up to ₹30,000 to ensure your potential to repay the borrowed proceeds. Meeting these basic personal loan eligibility criteria