Netflix is gearing up for the release of "Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance," a Japanese sci-fi anime series set in the acclaimed Gundam franchise. Directed by Erasmus Brosdau and scripted by Gavin Hignight, the series is a collaboration between Bandai Namco Entertainment, Safehouse, and Sunrise, bringing together the minds of Hignight and Naohiro Ogata as executive producers, along with Hiroaki Yura as a series producer.
Utilizing Epic's Unreal Engine 5 for animation, the series is expected to land on Netflix, with a tentative release date of October 17, 2024. However, the date is subject to change, and Netflix has yet to make an official announcement.
Set against the backdrop of the Universal Century timeline during the One-Year War, «Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance» unfolds in the final months of the Zeonic War for Independence. While details about the plot remain scarce, fans of the Gundam franchise can anticipate a narrative within the context of this historical conflict.
Celia Massingham is confirmed as the lead cast member for the English dub, portraying the character Iria Sorari. Known for her role as Hedy Lamarr in DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Massingham stands as the sole confirmed cast member at this time.
The series will consist of six episodes, each running approximately 30 minutes.
When will 'Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance' be available on Netflix?
As of now, Netflix has not officially announced the release date. A preliminary date of October 17, 2024, has been mentioned, but release dates are subject to change.
Who is the lead cast