Recently, Dr. Deepak Krishnamurthy addressed a crucial query on Twitter regarding the proper use of aspirin in the event of a heart attack. Aspirin is widely recognized for its potential to protect against heart attacks.
A recent study, presented at the ESC Congress 2023, sheds light on the importance of aspirin. The study, which examined over 40,000 individuals aged 40 and older who had experienced their first heart attack between 2004 and 2017, revealed a significant finding: those who had suffered a heart attack previously and did not take daily aspirin were at a higher risk of experiencing another heart attack.
Dr. Krishnamurthy, responding to the query, provided the following guidance:
How much aspirin do you take in case of a heart attack?
Dr. Krishnamurthy strongly recommends a 325mg dose of aspirin for the patient and advises against using Ecospirin 75mg as a substitute, as it «does not act immediately due to its enteric coated nature.»
In addition to this valuable advice, it is crucial to be aware of the signs of a heart attack to facilitate prompt action. These common signs include: