Taraja Ramsess, known for his work on Marvel films like Black Panther and the Avengers series, tragically lost his life, along with three of his children, in a car crash on October 31. The 41-year-old, along with his 13-year-old daughter Sundari Ramsess, 10-year-old son Kisasi Ramsess, and newborn daughter Fugibo Ramsess, was killed in a collision on Interstate 20 in Dekalb County, Georgia.
In a heartfelt Instagram post following Ramsess and two of his children's deaths (while Kisasi was still alive), Ramsess' mother, Akili Ramsess, shared the devastating news, expressing her deep love for her son and grandchildren. “My beautiful, loving, talented son Taraja @chop.saki, along with two of my grand babies, his 13 yo daughter Sundari and his 8-week old newborn daughter Fujibo, were killed the previous night in a horrific traffic accident.
My grandson, his 10yo son, Kisasi, «Sauce the Boss», is on life support. Two of my granddaughters survived, the 3-yo Shazia is still hospitalized but is recovering with minor injuries. All who knew and met him know how special Taraja was.”
She added, “He had a deep capacity for love and loved his children more than all.
He loved his martial arts, motorcycles and all things related to filmmaking. He a very droll yet wicked sense of humor & yet could be as cornball corny as can be. Sundari, Sunny as she was called, also reflected that special light.
Funny & loved to dance. Oh God! I can't believe they're gone! We are grieving and remain prayerful for my grandchildren's recovery. Thank you to so many who have already reached out with kind words and prayers.”
In a separate post after Kisasi's passing, she said “Kisasi Adebayo joins his father Taraja @chop.saki and sisters Sundari and