You could train an AI on text from say the New York Times, and it could serve as an amazing repository of liberal views. And so on and so forth.
AI gets me excited. To study more of it. To find out ways to use it to make life better.
To make me more productive. And to figure out ways to leverage it as an investor (unfortunately not many real options in India, if at all). So, while one needs to be excited about AI for various reasons, there is much need to be very cautious about the other kind – ‘artificial’ intelligence.
Seasoned readers would understand what is being referred to – the mahaguru finfluencers. Few of them are probably “artificially" intelligent. Don’t get me wrong.
Some of them are wonderful people and I have spoken to them. The reference here is to those who are riding this rising tide in the stock market, and peddling views that are aimed more at grabbing eyeballs than genuinely trying to empower their readers or viewers with solid opinions. And where do “solid opinions" come from? From real-life experience in the field.
You can read as many books as you want…regurgitate all of Buffett and Munger’s teachings (with or without credit to them)…but in the end, what is real is whether you have demonstrated successfully that you have the experience to back it all. You see, a lot of the intelligence that we truly revere comes from ancient texts written by people after deep thought, unique experiences and/or their being present in person as history unfolded. It comes from real gurus like Buffett and Munger whose teachings are based on decades of experience.