₹204 to ₹215 per share. At the upper end of the price band, the company aims to raise ₹260.15 crore from the book-built issue, which is a combination of a fresh issue of 86 lakh equity shares worth ₹184.90 crore and an offer-for-sale of 35 lakh shares amounting to ₹75.25 crore.
Stay tuned to our Indo Farm Equipment IPO Day 3 Live Blog for the latest updates.Indo Farm Equipment IPO Live: The bidding for the Indo Farm Equipment IPO commenced on December 31, and will conclude today, January 2. Indo Farm Equipment IPO allotment is expected to be finalized on January 3.
The company will credit the shares into the demat accounts of eligible allottees on January 6 and initiate refunds on the same day. The IPO listing date is likely January 7.
Indo Farm Equipment shares will be listed on BSE and NSE.Indo Farm Equipment IPO Live: The initial public offering (IPO) of tractor manufacturer Indo Farm Equipment Ltd enters the third and the last day of the bidding process today. The public issue is witnessing a strong demand as the IPO got heavily oversubscribed on the first two days of the bidding.
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