Shark Tank India Season 4, currently streaming on Sony LIV, recently showcased an entrepreneur from Indore, Bharat Khatri, who sought an investment for his hair care business. The entrepreneur pitched his range of natural products designed to stop hair fall and help people regrow their hair. He humorously began his pitch with a catchy phrase, “Ganji nahi, ghani hogi,” which quickly lightened the mood and got the sharks laughing.
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Bharat, an entrepreneur from Indore, pitched his business on Shark Tank India seeking Rs 50 lakh for 2% equity. His presentation impressed the Sharks, with Anupam praising his business model. Despite the positive reception, Anupam remained skeptical of the numbers presented. Kunal Bahl acknowledged Bharat's potential but chose not to make an offer. Peyush Bansal, however, offered Rs 50 lakh for 10% equity along with a 2% royalty until Rs 1 crore was recovered. Bharat, confident in the worth of his business, countered with a proposal of Rs 50 lakh for 4% equity. Peyush, sticking to his original offer, emphasized its justification given the scope of the investment, while Bharat felt the terms were too costly.
The exchange reportedly led to a debate, during which Bharat admitted he didn’t have formal training in Ayurveda but held an AYUSH license, which allows