Shark Tank India continues to captivate viewers with its intense business pitches and heated discussions among the Sharks. In a recent episode, Vijay Nihalchandani, a business and finance influencer, presented his startup, Make My Payment, but left the panel of Sharks less than impressed. His pitch, which sought Rs 30 lakh in exchange for 3% equity in his company, quickly turned into a dramatic showdown, especially with founder Anupam Mittal.
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Make My Payment is an app that sends automated reminders to individuals who have defaulted on payments, with the aim of helping businesses recover dues. However, despite its noble goal, the app’s concept failed to convince the Sharks, who raised several concerns about its feasibility and future prospects.
Anupam Mittal was particularly vocal in his criticism of the app’s business model. After learning that only 200 out of 3,500 registered users were paying subscribers, Mittal couldn’t hold back his frustration. He remarked, “You're making Rs 30,000 per month, isse achha thela laga lo station ke bahar.” (You’d be better off setting up a street-side cart outside the station). His blunt assessment underscored his belief that the app lacked the potential to become a successful business.