Anurag Thakur on Sunday attacked former Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal over the recurring deterioration in the city's air quality, witnessed in the past many years. Taking a dig at him, Thakur said Kejriwal came to Delhi «coughing» from Haryana 11 years ago and has since left the city «gasping for breath.»
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The former Union minister also claimed that once the «AAP-DA» government is removed from Delhi, the BJP will ensure clean roads, clean water, a clean Yamuna, and clean air for the people of the city.
«Aap-da,» meaning disaster, is a derisive term Prime Minister Narendra Modi devised for the party in one of his rallies in the city.
«Eleven years ago, someone from Haryana came coughing into Delhi with a muffler wrapped around him. Now, that same person wants Z-plus security from two states,» Thakur said.
«Neither Delhi's air is clean, nor its roads, nor its mountains of garbage, nor the Yamuna. This time, the AAP government will be cleaned out of Delhi too,» he added.
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