AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday said the assembly election in Delhi was not just a contest for the national capital but the entire country. The election pits two contrasting ideologies — one focused on welfare of the general public and the other on benefiting a select group of wealthy individuals — against each other, he said.
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«This election is about deciding how taxpayers' money should be spent. One ideology, represented by the BJP, uses public funds to waive loans worth thousands of crores for its close associates. The other, our AAP model, focuses on providing free electricity, education, health care and transport to benefit the common man,» Kejriwal said at a press conference.
Criticising the BJP-led Centre, the former Delhi chief minister alleged that it had waived debts amounting to Rs 10 lakh crore of 400-500 industrialists during the past five years.
«The BJP model gives people's money to its friends as loans and then writes off those loans in two to three years. In contrast, the AAP model provides direct benefits to the public, including welfare schemes worth nearly Rs 25,000 per month for each household in Delhi,» he said.
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By — Metla Sudha Sekhar, IT Specialist and