Amit Shah while addressing a public gathering in Narela on Sunday said, Delhi former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal insulted Puravanchalis and called them fake voters. Calling AAP, 'Awaidh Aamdaniwali Party', he said, Kejriwal only told lies to get votes.
Budget with ET
Budget 2025: A CFO’s playbook for operational excellence and long-term growth
Rising Bharat may need to take center stage for India’s game-changing plans
Will Indian Railways accelerate to global standards with govt’s budgetary allocation?
«Under Kejriwal ji's rule, Delhi's condition has deteriorated in just 10 years-facing dirty water, flooding, stagnant wells, and neglected gardens. Schools are falling apart, hospitals lack basic facilities. Does Kejriwal really care about you? Does he ensure clean water and dependable services?»
(More to come)