Robert Kiyosaki, the renowned author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, has issued a bold prediction for the stock market. In a tweet, he forecasted that the "biggest stock market crash in history" will occur in February 2025.
According to Kiyosaki, this anticipated crash will send shockwaves through traditional investment markets, but he sees it as a massive opportunity for those who act quickly.
In his 2013 book Rich Dad's Prophecy, Kiyosaki warned of an impending stock market crash that would dwarf previous economic downturns. His latest tweet suggests that this prophecy is coming true, with the crash expected to occur in February 2025. However, Kiyosaki isn't deterred by the news; rather, he believes the crash will present a great buying opportunity. «In a crash, everything goes on sale,» he explained, pointing to assets like cars and houses becoming more affordable during a market collapse.
The «better news,» according to Kiyosaki, lies in the capital that will flow out of the stock and bond markets and into alternative investments, particularly Bitcoin. He predicts that the cryptocurrency will experience explosive growth, describing it as «boom, boom, boom,» as investors seek safer, more profitable options. Kiyosaki has long been an advocate for Bitcoin, gold, and silver, urging followers to «get out of fake and into crypto.»
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