Hina Khan recently poured her heart out in an emotional Instagram post dedicated to her boyfriend, Rocky Jaiswal, while also sharing a series of heartfelt photos and videos. The post, shared on a Sunday, highlighted how Rocky has been her unwavering support system throughout her fight against cancer. In her note, Hina revealed the extraordinary measures Rocky took to be by her side, including shaving his head in solidarity with her, meticulously preparing for doctor visits, and taking care of her every need.
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In the first photo, Hina and Rocky sat together with their shaved heads, symbolizing their unity during this challenging time. A video showed Rocky massaging her legs as she sat in a hospital room, visibly comforted by his care. Alongside these poignant moments, Hina included glimpses of happier times, sharing photos and videos from their vacations. One clip featured Rocky donning a wig and strumming a guitar, bringing lightheartedness to their journey.
Another touching image captured Rocky sending her home-cooked meals with a handwritten note that simply said, “Hello, beautiful.” In one video, he gently applied cream to Hina’s face while she kept her eyes closed, finding solace in his loving gestures. Further videos depicted Rocky feeding Hina, assisting her with breathing exercises, and holding her hand as she rested in a hospital bed. The series ended with a selfie of Hina smiling warmly at Rocky, her eyes filled with love and gratitude.