BJP MP Parvesh Verma has filed a Rs 100-crore defamation case against AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, accusing them of levelling false allegations against him. Verma said if he wins the case, he plans to use the money for development work in his New Delhi constituency, from where he is contesting the February 5 assembly polls against Kejriwal.
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On Kejriwal's allegation that Verma has called Punjabis a threat to the country, the BJP leader said, «I don't need to mention what I and my family have done for the Sikh community.»
Verma alleged that thousands of cars from Punjab, carrying AAP ministers, legislators and even their Chief Minister Mann, have entered Delhi in recent days to campaign for the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP).
«I don't have a problem with their campaigning, but they are influencing voters by distributing CCTV cameras from Chinese companies, liquor, and money,» Verma claimed, adding he has filed complaints with the police and the Election Commission.
The BJP leader accused Kejriwal of resorting to lies out of frustration over his party's «imminent defeat.»
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