BJP on Saturday claimed that thousands of forms with personal details provided by women for 'Mahila Samman Yojna' of Aam Aadmi Party were found dumped with a junk dealer. The AAP in response said the BJP was rattled by «overwhelming, historical support» to the scheme and resorting to «false» stories to tarnish image of its chief Arvind Kejriwal.
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«The BJP, without a CM candidate or a vision for Delhi, is extremely rattled to see the love and trust for Arvind Kejriwal ji despite all their attempts to tarnish his image and are therefore resorting to such false stories,» the party said in a statement.
Addressing a press conference, Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva showed bundles of papers, claiming over 30,000 forms filled by women in Timarpur constituency, were handed over to BJP candidate Surya Prakash Khatri by a scrap dealer.
The Mukha Mantri Mahila Samman Yojna was announced by the AAP government in its budget 2024-25 to provide Rs 1,000 per month to eligible women in Delhi.
AAP national convener Kejriwal later raised the amount to Rs 2,100.
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