AAP is voted to power in Delhi again, his top priority would be to provide employment opportunities to youngsters, party supremo Arvind Kejriwal said on Monday. Addressing a «janasabha» in the Vishwas Nagar Assembly constituency ahead of the February 5 Delhi Assembly polls, Kejriwal said, «The biggest work I am going to do is on employment. I will arrange employment for our youngsters. Providing employment to our youngsters will be my top priority.»
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During his address, the AAP national convenor also highlighted the achievements of his party's government in Delhi over the last 10 years, including providing free electricity, water and quality healthcare to people, as well as improving the condition of government schools.
«We are providing free electricity, water, healthcare and good government education. You can call your relatives in BJP-ruled states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Haryana, and ask if they get zero electricity bills,» Kejriwal said.
The former Delhi chief minister warned the voters against supporting the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), claiming that if they vote for the saffron party, it will shut down the mohalla clinics, stop the free bus rides for women and «you will have to pay for bus tickets».
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By — Metla Sudha Sekhar, IT Specialist and